C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Locale Categories
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
             LC_NUMERIC, LC_TIME
  Include:   <locale.h>
  Context:   localeconv, setlocale, strcoll, strftime, strxfrm
  Summary:   Locale categories are manifest constants used by the
             localization routines to specify which portion of a
             program's locale information will be used. The "locale"
             refers to the locality (or country) for which certain
             aspects of your program can be customized. Locale-
             dependent areas include, for example, the formatting of
             dates or the display format for monetary values.
     The various locale categories, and the areas of a program that
     they affect, are listed below:
     Locale Category     Parts of Program Affected
     LC_ALL              All locale-specific behavior (all categories)
     LC_COLLATE          Behavior of strcoll and strxfrm functions
     LC_CTYPE            Behavior of the character-handling functions
                         (except for isdigit, isxdigit, mbstowcs, and
                         mbtowc, which are unaffected)
     LC_MAX              Same as LC_TIME
     LC_MIN              Same as LC_ALL
     LC_MONETARY         Monetary formatting information returned by
                         the localeconv function
     LC_NUMERIC          Decimal-point character for the formatted
                         output routines (for example, printf), the
                         data conversion routines, and the nonmonetary
                         formatting information returned by the
                         localeconv function
     LC_TIME             Behavior of the strftime function