C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
File Attribute Setting Constants
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Constant:  _S_IFMT, _S_IFDIR, _S_IFCHR, _S_IFREG, _S_IREAD,
             _S_IWRITE, _S_IEXEC
  Include:   <sys\stat.h>
  Context:   _stat, _fstat, _stat structure
  Summary:   Used to indicate file type in the st_mode field of the
             _stat structure.
     The bit mask constants are described below:
     Constant      Meaning
     _S_IFMT       File type mask
     _S_IFDIR      Directory
     _S_IFCHR      Character special (indicates a device if set)
     _S_IFREG      Regular
     _S_IREAD      Read permission
     _S_IWRITE     Write permission
     _S_IEXEC      Execute/search permission