C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────C/C++ Language─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Pragma:   comment
  Syntax:   #pragma comment( comment-type [, commentstring])
  Summary:  The comment pragma allows you to place a comment record in
            an object file or executable file.
     The <comment-type> specifies the type of comment record. The
     optional <commentstring> is a string literal that provides
     additional information for some comment types. Because
     <comment-type> is a string literal, it obeys all the rules for
     string literals with respect to escape characters, embedded
     quotation marks ("), and concatenation.
     The following comment records are allowed:
     Record     Description
     compiler   Places the name and version number of the compiler in
                the object file. This comment record is ignored by the
                linker. If you supply a <commentstring> parameter for
                this record type, the compiler generates a warning
                error message.
     exestr     Places <commentstring> in the object file. At link
                time, this string is placed in the executable file.
                The string is not loaded into memory when the
                executable file is loaded; however, it can be found
                with a program that finds printable strings in files.
                One use for this comment-record type is to embed a
                version number or similar information in an
                executable file.
     lib        Places a library-search record in the object file.
                This comment type must be accompanied by a
                <commentstring> parameter containing the name (and
                possibly the path) of the library for which you want
                the linker to search. Since the library name precedes
                the default library-search records in the object file,
                the linker searches for this library just as if you had
                named it on the command line. You can place multiple
                library-search records in the same source file; each
                record appears in the object file in the same order in
                which it is encountered in the source file.
     user       Places a general comment in the object file. The
                <commentstring> parameter contains the text of the
                comment. This comment record is ignored by the linker.
     The following pragma causes the linker to search for the
     EMAPI.LIB library. The linker searches first in the current
     working directory and then in the path specified in the LIB
     environment variable.
          #pragma comment( lib, "emapi" )
     The following pragma causes the compiler to place the name and
     version number of the compiler in the object file:
          #pragma comment( compiler )
     NOTE: For comments that take a <commentstring> parameter, you can
           use a macro in any place where you would use a string
           literal, provided that the macro expands to a string
           literal. You can also concatenate any combination of string
           literals and macros that expand to string literals. For
           example, the following statement is acceptable:
     #pragma comment( user, "Compiled on " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ )