C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
stdin, stdout, stderr, _stdaux, _stdprn
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Name:     stdin, stdout, stderr, _stdaux, _stdprn
  Include:  <stdio.h>
  Syntax:   FILE * stdin;
            FILE * stdout;
            FILE * stderr;
            FILE * _stdaux;
            FILE * _stdprn;
  Summary:  These are standard streams for input, output, and error
  Context:  I/O (Streams) Functions
     By default, standard input is read from the keyboard, while
     standard output and standard error are printed to the screen.
     Two additional streams, standard auxiliary and standard print,
     are provided by DOS. The assignment of these streams depends on
     the machine configuration; they usually refer to the first serial
     port and the first parallel port, respectively, if those ports
     The following stream pointers are available to access the standard
     Pointer     Stream
     stdin       Standard input
     stdout      Standard output
     stderr      Standard error
     _stdaux     Standard auxiliary (DOS only)
     _stdprn     Standard print (DOS only)
     These pointers can be used as arguments to functions; some
     functions, such as getchar and putchar, use stdin and stdout
     These pointers are constants, and cannot be assigned new values.
     The freopen function can be used to redirect the streams to disk
     files or to other devices. DOS allows you to redirect a program's
     standard input and output at the command level.