C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────C/C++ Language─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Keyword:   typedef
  Syntax:    typedef type-declaration;
  Summary:   Defines a synonym for the specified <type-declaration>.
             The identifier in the <type-declaration> becomes another name
             for the type, instead of naming an instance of the type.
  See also:  class, struct, enum, union
          typedef unsigned long ulong;
          ulong ul;     // Equivalent to "unsigned long ul;"
          typedef struct mystructtag
              int   i;
              float f;
              char  c;
          } mystruct;
          mystruct ms;   // Equivalent to "struct mystructtag ms;"
          typedef int (*funcptr)();  // funcptr is synonym for "pointer
                                     //    to function returning int"
          funcptr table[10];   // Equivalent to "int (*table[10])();"