C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
_MAXRESMODE and _MAXCOLORMODE Constants for Screen Mode
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Context:   _setvideomode, _setvideomoderows
  Include:   <graph.h>
  Synopsis:  The two special modes for the _setvideomode function
             _MAXRESMODE and _MAXCOLORMODE select the highest
             resolution or greatest number of colors available with
             the current hardware, respectively. These two modes fail
             for adapters that do not support graphics modes. They
             never select _SRES16COLOR, _SRES256COLOR, _XRES16COLOR,
             _XRES256COLOR, _ZRES16COLOR, or _ZRES256COLOR mode.
             See: Constants for Screen Mode
                  VESA Constants for Screen Mode
                  Hercules Support
     The following table lists the video mode selected for different
     adapter and monitor combinations when _MAXRESMODE or
     _MAXCOLORMODE is specified:
     Adapter/Monitor     _MAXRESMODE      _MAXCOLORMODE
     MDPA                 fail             fail
     HGC                 _HERCMONO        _HERCMONO
     CGA color           _HRESBW          _MRES4COLOR
     CGA noncolor        _HRESBW          _MRESNOCOLOR
     OCGA                _ORESCOLOR       _MRES4COLOR
     OEGA color          _ORESCOLOR       _ERESCOLOR
     EGA color 256k      _HRES16COLOR     _HRES16COLOR
     EGA color 64k       _HRES16COLOR     _HRES16COLOR
     EGA ecd 256k        _ERESCOLOR       _ERESCOLOR
     EGA ecd 64k         _ERESCOLOR       _HRES16COLOR
     EGA mono            _ERESNOCOLOR     _ERESNOCOLOR
     MCGA                _VRES2COLOR      _MRES256COLOR
     VGA                 _VRES16COLOR     _MRES256COLOR
     OVGA                _VRES16COLOR     _MRES256COLOR
     SVGA                _VRES256COLOR *  _VRES256COLOR *
     * If _VRES256COLOR is supported by the adapter/monitor combination.
       If not, _MAXCOLORMODE will be either _ORES256COLOR (if supported)
       or _MRES256COLOR and _MAXRESMODE will be _VRES16COLOR.
     Note that a color monitor is assumed for CGA adapters if the
     startup text mode was TEXTC80 or TEXTC40. If the initial text mode
     is TEXTBW80 or TEXTBW40, a noncolor CGA monitor is assumed.