C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Chart Type Constants
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Include:   <graph.h>
  Context:   _pg_defaultchart
  Synopsis:  Specify the type and style of the default chart for the
             presentation-graphics routines.
     The <charttype> argument of _pg_defaultchart specifies one of five
     types of charts:
     Chart-Type Constant     Meaning
     _PG_BARCHART            Bar chart
     _PG_COLUMNCHART         Column chart
     _PG_LINECHART           Line chart
     _PG_SCATTERCHART        Scatter chart
     _PG_PIECHART            Pie chart
     The <chartstyle> argument specifies the style of the chart. Each
     of the five types of charts can appear in two different chart
     styles, specified by the constants below:
     Chart Type     Chart Styles Available
     Bar            _PG_PLAINBARS, _PG_STACKEDBARS
     Column         _PG_PLAINBARS, _PG_STACKEDBARS
     Pie            _PG_PERCENT, _PG_NOPERCENT
     For pie charts in the _PG_PERCENT format, percentages are printed
     next to each slice. For bar and column charts, the styles are
     applicable only when more than one series appears on the same
     chart. The _PG_PLAINBARS style arranges the bars or columns for
     the different series side by side, showing relative heights or
     lengths. The _PG_STACKEDBARS style emphasizes relative sizes
     between bars and columns.