C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
_PNH, _PNHH, and _PNHB Function Types
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     To use the C++ _set_new_handler functions, you must write an
     exception-handling function and then pass it as an argument to
     _set_new_handler. To facilitate the easy declaration of this new
     handler, three pointer-to-function types (_PNH, _PNHH, and
     _PNHB) are defined in NEW.H.
     Type      Description
     _PNH      Pointer to a function that returns type int and takes an
               argument of type size_t. Use size_t to specify the amount
               of space to be allocated.
               See: __near, __far
     _PNHH     Pointer to a function that returns type int and takes two
               arguments──the type unsigned long and the type size_t
               arguments specified to the huge new operator.
               See: __huge
     _PNHB     Pointer to a function that returns type int and takes two
               arguments──the type __segment and the type size_t
               arguments specified to the based new operator. Your
               function must ensure the correct binding of the segment
               variable to its return value.
               See: __based