C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
exit Functions
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The exit and _exit functions perform cleanup operations and
     terminate the calling process. The _cexit and _c_exit functions
     perform cleanup operations and return to the caller without
     terminating the process.
     The complete cleanup operation performed by exit and _cexit
     consists of calling, in "last in, first out" order, the
     functions registered by atexit and _onexit. The _exit function
     flushes all I/O buffers and closes all open streams before
     returning. The "quick" cleanup operation performed by _exit and
     _c_exit does not process atexit or _onexit functions or flush
     stream buffers.
     The <status> value is typically set to 0 to indicate a normal exit
     and set to some other value to indicate an error.
     Although the exit and _exit calls do not return a value, the
     low-order byte of <status> is made available to the waiting parent
     process, if one exists, after the calling process exits. The
     <status> value is available to the operating-system batch command
     The behavior of the exit, _exit, _cexit, and _c_exit functions is
     as follows:
     Function     Action
     exit         Performs complete C library termination procedures,
                  terminates the process, and exits with the supplied
                  status code.
     _exit        Performs "quick" C library termination procedures,
                  terminates the process, and exits with the supplied
                  status code.
     _cexit       Performs complete C library termination procedures
                  and returns to caller, but does not terminate
                  the process.
     _c_exit      Performs "quick" C library termination procedures
                  and returns to caller, but does not terminate the
     Return Value