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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
/* ATONUM.C illustrates string-to-number conversion functions including:
 *      atof            atoi            atol            _gcvt
 * It also illustrates:
 *      _cgets          _cputs
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define MAXSTR 100
char cnumbuf[MAXSTR] = { MAXSTR + 2, 0 };
char tmpbuf[MAXSTR];
/* Numeric input and output without printf */
void main()
    int     integer;
    long    longint;
    float   real;
    char    *numbuf;
    /* Using _cgets (rather than gets) allows use of DOS editing keys
     * (or of editing keys from DOS command-line editors).
    _cputs( "Enter an integer: " );
    numbuf = _cgets( cnumbuf );
    _cputs( "\r\n" );                /* _cputs doesn't translate \n     */
    integer = atoi( numbuf );
    strcpy( tmpbuf, numbuf );
    strcat( tmpbuf, " + " );
    _cputs( "Enter a long integer: " );
    numbuf = _cgets( cnumbuf );
    _cputs( "\r\n" );
    longint = atol( numbuf );
    strcat( tmpbuf, numbuf );
    strcat( tmpbuf, " + " );
    _cputs( "Enter a floating-point number: " );
    numbuf = _cgets( cnumbuf );
    _cputs( "\r\n" );
    real = (float)atof( numbuf );
    strcat( tmpbuf, numbuf );
    strcat( tmpbuf, " = " );
    _gcvt( integer + longint + real, 4, numbuf );
    strcat( tmpbuf, numbuf );
    strcat( tmpbuf, "\r\n" );
    _cputs( tmpbuf );