C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The _setviewport function redefines the graphics viewport. The
     _setviewport function defines a clipping region in exactly the
     same manner as _setcliprgn, and then sets the view-coordinate
     origin to the upper-left corner of the region.
     The physical points (<x1>, <y1>) and (<x2>, <y2>) are the
     diagonally opposed corners of the rectangular clipping region. Any
     window transformation done with the _setwindow function applies
     only to the viewport and not to the entire screen. The default
     viewport is the entire screen.
     See also: Graphic Coordinate Systems
     Return Value
     None. Use the _grstatus function to check conditions of success
     or failure.