C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
printf Flags: Radix Indicators, Decimals, Trailing Zeros
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Flag     With Type     Meaning 
     #        o, x, X       Prefixes nonzero output with 0, 0x, and OX,
                            respectively. Default is no prefix.
              e, E, f       Forces output to contain decimal point. By
                            default, decimal point appears only if
                            digits follow it.
              g, G          Forces output to contain decimal point in
                            all cases and prevents truncation of
                            trailing zeros. By default, decimal point
                            appears only if digits follow it, and
                            trailing zeros are omitted.
     The # is ignored when used with c, d, i, u, or s.