C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The _wgetsize function returns the size and position of the
     specified child window. This routine is used only in QuickWin
     programs; it is not part of the Windows API. For full details
     about QuickWin, see Chapter 8 of the Programming Techniques
     The <wfh> argument is a handle to the window file. Use the
     manifest constant _WINFRAMEHAND as the value of <wfh> to query
     the size and position of the parent frame (client or application
     window). The maximum size of the parent frame may vary according
     to the hardware specifications of your terminal.
     The <reqtype> argument is the type of request, which can have one
     of two values:
     Value            Meaning
     _WINCURRREQ      Return the current size of the window
     _WINMAXREQ       Return the maximum size that the window can grow
                      to (which cannot exceed the current size of the
                      parent frame)
     The <wsize> argument is a pointer to a _wsizeinfo structure
     (declared in IO.H) that returns the size and position
     information. The structure contains a _type field that has one of
     the following values on return:
     Value            Meaning
     _WINSIZEMIN      Window is minimized
     _WINSIZEMAX      Window is maximized
     _WINSIZECHAR     Window is of the size specified in the
                      structure's remaining members
     If the type returned is _WINSIZECHAR, the _x, _y, _h, and _w
     values in the remainder of the structure specify the coordinates
     of the upper-left corner and the height and width of the window
     (in characters). Size returned always indicates the "client
     space" available in the parent frame, which means that it does
     not include space occupied by title bars and other parts of the
     Return Value
     If successful, _wgetsize returns 0 and fills in the _wsizeinfo
     structure. A return value of -1 indicates an error.