cobol1.hlp (Topic list)
Statements (↑ COBOL Language)
 Key                                       Up Contents Index Back
  ┌──Verbs────────────────────────────────┐ ┌──Program Structure─────────┐
  │ACCEPT    EXIT          RESET    │ │COBOL source program      │
  │ADD       GENERATE      RETURN   │ │Identification Division   │
  │ALTER     GO TO         REWRITE  │ │Source-computer           │
  │CALL      GOBACK        ROLLBACK │ │Environment Division      │
  │CANCEL    IF            SEARCH   │ │Special-names             │
  │CHAIN     INITIALIZE    SEND     │ │Input-output Section      │
  │CLOSE     INITIATE      SET      │ │File-Control (SELECT)     │
  │COMMIT    INSPECT       SORT     │ │Object-computer           │
  │COMPUTE   MERGE         START    │ │I-O-control               │
  │CONTINUE  MOVE          STOP     │ │Data Division             │
  │DELETE    MULTIPLY      STRING   │ │File Description (FD)     │
  │DISABLE   NEXT SENTENCE SUBTRACT │ │Sort-Merge File Descr.(SD)│
  │DISPLAY   NOTE          SUPPRESS │ │Data Description          │
  │DIVIDE    ON            TERMINATE│ │Communication Description │
  │ENABLE    OPEN          TRANSFORM│ │Report Description        │
  │ENTER     PERFORM       UNLOCK   │ │Report Group Description  │
  │ENTRY     PURGE         UNSTRING │ │Screen Description        │
  │EVALUATE  READ          USE      │ │Procedure Division        │
  │EXAMINE   READY         WRITE    │ └────────────────────────────┘
  │EXEC      RECEIVE                  │
  │EXHIBIT   RELEASE                  │
   ┌──COPY/REPLACE───────────────────────┐  ┌──Constructs────────────────┐
   │COPY      REPLACE                │  │Conditions                │
   └─────────────────────────────────────┘  │Intrinsic Functions       │
                                            │Qualification             │
                                            │Reference modification    │
                                            │Subscripting              │
     These are the verbs and other principal constructs in COBOL. Select
     one to see its syntax diagram and other details.