cobol1.hlp (Topic list)
CBL_SWAP_SCR_CHATTRS Details (↑ Screen Routines)
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  Parameters on Entry:
     screen-position         The screen position at which to start writing.
                             The top left corner is row 0, column 0.
                             See Notes on screen routines.
     character-buffer        The characters to write.
     attribute-buffer        The attributes to write.
     string-length           The length of the string to write. If this
                             would go off the end of the screen, the
                             write finishes at the end of the screen.
  Parameters on Exit:
     character-buffer        The characters read from the screen. This
                             data item must be at least as long as
                             specified by string-length; positions
                             in it beyond that length are unchanged.
     attribute-buffer        The attributes read from the screen. This
                             data item must be at least as long as
                             specified by string-length; positions
                             in it beyond that length are unchanged.
     string-length           If the end of the screen is reached the
                             length swapped (in cells, that is, character-
                             attribute pairs) is returned in here.