cobol2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
RTS Switches (↑ COBOL System)
 Key                                       Up Contents Index Back
     These are the RTS switches. Select one to see details
     of its effect. See Introduction to switches
     │ If you are using an add-on product, see also                │
     │ Additional switches                                       │
     │0, 1, 2, ... 8   Programmable switches                     │
     │A                Choose ANSI file handling and status codes│
     │A1               Display trailing spaces                   │
     │B, B1            Skip locked records                       │
     │B2               Choose the sorting algorithm              │
     │C                Allow screens longer than 25 lines        │
     │C1               Non-standard size screens                 │
     │C2               Disable COBOL text window                 │
     │D                Invoke the ANSI COBOL Debug module        │
     │E                Execute code containing S-level errors    │
     │F                Validate numeric data in intermediate code│
     │/F               Change file open limit on OS/2            │
     │G                Reduce the size of I/O buffers            │
     │/H               Set maximum heap space on OS/2            │
     │K1               Use old IBM PC keyboard handling          │
     │I1               Change program search order               │
     │K2               Use extended IBM PC keyboard handling     │
     │L                Make I/O errors return to program         │
     │L1               Enable the exception pop-up on OS/2       │
     │L5               Handle LEVEL II COBOL files               │
     │M                Free up memory on DOS                     │
     │/M               Change default number of heaps on OS/2    │
     │N                Insert nulls in line sequential files     │
     │O                Disable divide by zero error              │
     │P                Use high-level printer I/O                │
     │P1               Sounds system bell using the BIOS         │
     │/P               Specify address of port for security key  │
     │R                Re-try locked record till available       │
     │/S               Change default stack size                 │
     │S5               Use ANSI.SYS-compatible console I/O       │
     │S6               Change DISPLAY UPON CRT attribute behavior│
     │T                Insert tabs in line sequential files      │