cobol2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DE-EDIT Details (↑ Choosing Run-time Behavior)
 Key Summary                             Up Contents Index Back
     The possible values of integer are:
      1  Behavior as in earlier versions of this compiler. Ignores the
         PICTURE clause of the sending field.
      2  De-edits according to the PICTURE clause of the sending field.
         This provides ANSI'85 conformance.
     For example:
        01 A PIC 909V99 VALUE "30456".
        01 B PIC 9(5).
            MOVE A TO B
     With DE-EDIT "1", B will contain 30456. With DE-EDIT "2", B will
     contain 00034; the 0 after the 3 is dropped because it corresponds
     to the insertion character 0 in the picture-string of A, and the .56
     is dropped because B has no decimal places.