cobol2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
SQLINIT Details (↑ SQL)
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     The possible values of mode are:
      S     database to be used in shared mode
      X     database to be used in exclusive mode
     SQLINIT also causes the program to register a process so that the
     database is always properly closed down when a STOP RUN occurs.
     Without this you can leave the database in a corrupt condition when
     the program terminates prior to completion; for example, if you
     terminate an animation session before completing the program. This
     protection can be applied without initializing by using the SQLPROT
     NOSQLINIT should be specified for SQL programs that are called by
     other SQL programs. It can also be specified for the first SQL
     program in a run-unit, but the program should make an explicit
     call to the program SQLINIT (for IBM Database Manager) or SQLINIM
     (for Microsoft SQL Server) before executing any EXEC SQL