cobol2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Compiler Directives List (↑ Compiler Directives)
 Key                                       Up Contents Index Back
  01SHUFFLE         No segment boundary crossing
  64KSECT           Segment breaking
  ACCEPTREFRESH     Update associated data on ACCEPT
  ADDRSV            Add reserved word
  ADDSYN            Add synonym
  ADV               No effect
  ALIAS             Subscripts
  ALIGN             Data alignment
  ALPHASTART        Numbering in ALPHABET
  ALTER             Allow ALTER
  ANALYZE*          For Analyze
  ANIM              For Animator
  ANS85             ANSI'85
  APOST             QUOTE = '
  ARITHMETIC        Arithmetic expressions
  ASMLIST           File for assembly listing
  ASSIGN-PRINTER    Printer output
  AUTOLOCK          Default locking
  AUXOPT            No effect
  BADSIGNS          Allow illegal sign nibbles
  BELL              Bleep when stop
  BOUND             Bound-check
  BOUNDOPT          Optimize tables
  BRIEF             No message texts
  BROWSE            Create .SBR file
  CALLFH*           External file handler
  CALLMCS           Internal use
  CALLSORT          External file handler
  CANCELLBR*        Close COPY .LBR file
  CASE              Case of program-name
  CHECKDIV          Allow divide by zero
  CHECKNUM          Check numeric fields
  CHIP              Chip architecture
  CICS*             Allow CICS
  CICS-CPY*         Insert COPY "CICS-CPY"
  CICSOPT*          Optimize BLL cells
  COBFSTATCONV*     Convert EXTFH file status codes
  COBIDY            Path for Animator file
  COBOL370          IBM COBOL 370
  COMP              Computational subset
  COMP-5            COMP-5 behavior
  COMP-6            COMP-6 behavior
  COMS85            ANSI'85 Comms
  CONFIRM           Display directives
  CONSTANT          Define constant
  CONVERTPTR        Allow redefiniton of pointers
  CONVERTRET        RETURNING item type
  COPYEXT           COPY-file extensions
  COPYLBR*          COPY-library = .LBR file
  COPYLIST          List COPY files
  CSI*              Create .CSI information file
  CURRENCY-SIGN     PIC currency sign
  DATACOMPRESS      Data compression
  DATALIT           Literals in data seg.
  DATE              Date for listings
  DBCHECK           Check Double-Byte Chars.
  DBCS              Double-Byte Chars.
  DBCSSOSI          Shift-in, -out
  DBSPACE           DBCS space
  DE-EDIT           Num-edited behavior
  DEFAULTBYTE       Initialize W-Storage
  DEFAULTCALLS      CALL convention
  DEFFILE           Produce .DEF file
  DETECTLOCK        Detect record locks
  DG                Data General
  DIRECTIVES        File of directives
  DLL               DLL or EXE
  DOSVS             IBM DOS/VS COBOL
  DYNAM             Ignore CANCEL
  EANIM             For CodeView
  EARLY-RELEASE     Enable Early User Syntax support
  ECHO              Display errors
  ECHOALL           Display full listing
  EDITOR            Create error file for Editor
  ENSUITE*          Internal use
  ERRLIST           Print messages only
  ERRQ              Pause on error
  EXPANDDATA        Program compression
  FASTLINK          Restrict parameters
  FASTSORT          Internal use
  FCDREG            Registers for files
  FILECASE          Internal use
  FILESHARE         Default locking
  FILETYPE          Data file format
  FIXING            Optimizing jumps
  FLAG              Flag outside the dialect
  FLAGAS            Show flags as errors etc.
  FLAGCD            Conflicting directives
  FLAGMIG           Flag OSVS and VSC2 differences
  FLAGQ             Pause on flag
  FLAGSINEDIT       Include flags in error file
  FLAGSTD           Flag ANSI'85 level
  FLAG-CHIP         Flag chip problems
  FOLDCOPYNAME      Fold COPY file names
  FP-ROUNDING       Floating point items
  FORM              Page length
  GANAL             Internal use
  GANIM*            For Xilerator
  GNT*              File for object code
  HIDEMESSAGE       Set message to hide
  HOST-NUMCOMPARE   Numeric comparisons
  HOST-NUMMOVE      Disable RTS error 163 for MOVEs
  IBM-MS            IBM / MS V1.0
  IBMCOMP           Word-storage mode
  IDXFORMAT         Indexed file structure
  INFORETURN        Info msg return value
  INITCALL          Execute a module
  INT*              File for int code
  INTLEVEL*         Portability level
  IOCONV            READ-INTO/WRITE-FROM behavior
  JAPANESE          Enable Japanese Language Extensions
  KEYCOMPRESS       Key compression
  LIBRARIAN         Allow -INC
  LINKCHECK         Check LS items
  LINKCOUNT         Number of linked items
  LINKLIB           Link-libraries
  LIST              File for source listing
  LISTWIDTH         Page width
  LITLINK           Literals public
  LOCKTYPE          Read locked records
  MAKESYN           Make synonymous
  MAPNAME           IBM prog-names
  MASM              For Microsoft MASM
  MFCOMMENT         Alternate-format comments
  MFLEVEL           Level of MF
  MODEL             Model type
  MS                MS V1 or V2
  NATIVE            Collating sequence
  NCHAR             Enable Double-Byte Language Extnsions
  NESTCALL          Allow nested progs
  NLS               Enable National Language Support
  OBJ               File for object code
  OBJLITE           Assembler-like code
  ODOSLIDE          Variable length table
  OLDBLANKLINE      Change behavior of BLANK LINE
  OLDCOPY           ANSI'68 COPY
  OLDINDEX          Indexes = subscripts
  OLDREADINTO       Change behavior of READ ... INTO statements
  OLDSTRMIX         Allow PIC X and PIC N in statements
  OLDSTRSUB         Change evaluation of subscripts
  OMF               OBJ or GNT
  OPT               Optimization level
  OPTIONAL-FILE     All files optional
  OPTSIZE           Optimize for size
  OPTSPEED          Optimize for speed
  OSEXT             Source file-name ext
  OSVS              IBM OS/VS COBOL
  OVERRIDE          Change
  PANVALET          Allow ++INCLUDE
  PARAMCOUNTCHECK   Omit parameters
  PARAS             Create list of paragraphs and sections
  PC1               IBM / MS V1.0
  PERFORM-TYPE      Returns from PERFORM
  PREPROCESS*       Source from preprocessor
  PRINT             File for source listing
  PRINT-EXT         Specify print-file extension
  PROFILE           Other environments
  PROTMODE          Produce protect mode only code
  QUAL              Allow qualification
  QUALPROC          Allow qualification
  QUERY             Pause if COPY-file missing
  QUOTE             QUOTE = "
  RDW               Read length of variable-length record
  REALOVL           Overlaying from disk
  RECMODE           Fixed or var length
  REF               Addresses in listings
  REFNO             Compiler-# in listings
  REGPARM           Parameter passing
  REMOVE            De-reserve
  REPORT-LINE       Length of report writer lines
  RESEQ             Generate line numbers
  RETRYLOCK         Re-try locked record
  RM                Ryan-McFarland
  RNIM              Animate, don't compile
  SAA               Systems App. Arch.
  SEG               Segmentation
  SEGCROSS          Params on segments
  SEGSIZE           Automatic segmentation
  SEQCHK            Check line numbers
  SEQUENTIAL        Variants of SEQUENTIAL organization
  SETTING           Print directives
  SHOW-DIR          Print directives files
  SHOWSHUFFLE       Show 01SHUFFLE results
  SIGN              Included signs
  SIGNCOMPARE       EBCDIC numeric comparisons
  SMALLDD           Params in segments
  SOURCE-EXT        Source ext for CodeView
  SOURCEASM         Source in assembly listing
  SOURCEFORMAT      Allow free format code
  SPZERO            Space = zero in nums
  SQL               Allow EXEC SQL
  SQLACCESS         Name of access plan
  SQLBIND           Name of bind file
  SQLBLOCK          Record blocking
  SQLDB             Name of database
  SQLDB2            Mainframe compatibility
  SQLECSPP*         HOST compatibility
  SQLFORMAT         Define date format
  SQLINIT           Initialize & log on
  SQLISOLATION      Isolation level
  SQLNOT            Specify NOT character (¬)
  SQLPASS           Give password
  SQLPRE            Animate SQL programs
  SQLPROT           Protect database
  SQLSTDLVL         Standards level of database manager
  STDERR            Write messages to STDERR
  STICKY-LINKAGE    Keep params linked
  STRUCT*           For Structure Animator
  SUPFF             No page-headings
  SYMBSTART         Numbering in SYMBOLIC
  SYSIN             Map I-O to SYSIN and SYSOUT
  TABLESEGCROSS     Check for crossing of seg boundaries
  TARGET            Chip-specific instrs.
  TERMPAGE          Pad final page of report
  TIME              Put time on listings
  TRACE             Turn on READY TRACE
  TRICKLE           Restrict PERFORM
  TRICKLECHECK      Flag trickling
  TRUNC             Truncation of binary
  TRUNCCOPY         Truncate COPY-file names
  USE               File of directives
  VERBOSE           Other environments
  VSC2              IBM VS COBOL II
  WARNING           Level of message to output
  WB*               Interface to other products
  WB2*              Internal use
  WRITELOCK         Default locking
  WRITETHROUGH*     Unbuffered writes
  XNIM              Compile and animate
  XOPEN             X/Open
  XREF              Produce cross-ref listing
  ZEROLENGTHFALSE   Zero-length tests
  ZEROSEQ           Zeros in line numbers
  ZWB               Numeric comparisons