cobol2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Key (↑ Animator Directives)
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  Descriptions for all of the Animator directives appear alphabetically.
  Each description contains the following entries.
  Directive:    DIRECTIVE-NAME
  Function:     Gives a brief description of the function of
        └─/─┘ └┬────┬─DIRECTIVE-NAME───────────────┘
     The syntax of the Animator directives is shown using diagrams
     called "railroad tracks", in which a directive and its parameters
     are shown joined by lines indicating the order in which they should
     be written. You read these diagrams left-to-right. Each diagram
     starts with  and ends with . Sometimes the track forks to
     show alternatives and then joins up again. The length of a track
     has no significance.
     Parameters for directives are shown in quotation marks, although
     parentheses can be used instead, unless otherwise stated. When
     quotation marks are used the parameter can contain spaces, whereas
     no spaces are allowed in a parameter surrounded by parentheses. If
     a parameter is specified after a comma, but the file-name is omitted,
     then the directive must be preceded by a slash (/). Otherwise, the
     directive will incorrectly be assumed to be a file-name.
  Paramters:    Lists and describes valid parameter(s), if any, for
                the directive.
  Default:      Indicates the directive's default setting
     On the button bar is a button to toggle between Summary and Details.
     The Details describe the parameters fully and give additional
     information. If this is not needed the Details topic is blank.