cobol3.hlp (Topic list)
Message 001 (↑ Code Generation Messages)
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  Message:      001
  Text:         No paragraph in last section to segment on
  Severity:     Recoverable
  Explanation:  When SEGSIZE is specified as nonzero at a COBOL
                section (or at a paragraph if 64KSECT has been specified),
                automatic segmentation will take place. This message
                indicates that there is no suitable place in the code at
                which to segment. If the program was checked with ANIM,
                the error message indicates a source line somewhere in
                the paragraph which the generator could not segment.
  Resolution:   If you have not already done so, specify 64KSECT. If
                you have already specified 64KSECT, find the paragraph
                containing the source line given in the error message and
                divide this paragraph by insertion.