cobol3.hlp (Topic list)
Message 0267 (↑ Syntax Messages)
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  Message:      0267
  Text:         LINE specification missing or inconsistent
  Explanation:  There are three possible causes of this message:
                  You can specify a NEXT PAGE clause only in the first
                  LINE clause of a report group description entry.
                  The absolute line numbers in the LINE clauses of a report
                  group description entry are not in ascending order.
                  You have not specified a LINE clause in a particular
                  report group description entry.
  Resolution:   Depending on the cause of this message, you should:
                  Delete the NEXT PAGE clause from any but the first
                  LINE clause.
                  Rearrange the LINE clauses so that absolute line
                  numbers are in ascending order.
                  Add a LINE clause.