CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Windows Watch Message (WWM)
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     Command: Windows Watch Message (WWM)
     Syntax:  WWM [winproc] [msgname | msgclass]
     Summary: Traces the occurrence of a Windows message or a class of
              Windows messages.
     <winproc>    The symbol name or address of an application's window
     <msgname>    The name of a Windows message, such as WM_PAINT.
     <msgclass>   A string of the following characters that identifies
                  one or more classes of messages.
                  Message Class   Type of Windows Message
                  m               Mouse
                  w               Window management
                  n               Input
                  s               System
                  i               Initialization
                  c               Clipboard
                  d               DDE
                  z               Nonclient
     CVW displays each message in the Command window, as it is sent to
     the application's window function. The message is displayed in the
     following format:
          HWND:lc00 wParm:0000 lParm:000000 msg:000F WM_PAINT
     Once you have set a Windows watch message, it appears in the list
     of breakpoints and may be enabled, disabled, and cleared with the
     usual CodeView breakpoint commands.
     See: Breakpoint Clear (BC) Command
          Breakpoint Disable (BD) Command
          Breakpoint Enable (BE) Command
          Breakpoint List (BL) Command
     The following command traces all mouse and input messages sent to
          WWM MainWndProc mn