CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Options Menu: Source Window Command
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     The Source Window command defines the display characteristics of
     the active Source window.
     ┌─────── Source Window Options ───────┐
     │      for Source Window #:<file>     │
     │                                     │
     │ [ ] Follow CS:IP thread of control ┼ ■ Changes window
     │                                     │   to follow
     │    Display Mode                     │   execution thread
     │    ( ) Source                   ─┐ │
     │    ( ) Mixed Source and Assembly: └─┼ ■ Selects mode for
     │    ( ) Assembly                 :   │   source-window display
     │                                     │
     │      Tab Length = [ ] spaces  ─────┼ ■ Sets tab length
     │                                     │
     │        Assembly Display             │ ■ Displays machine code with
     │      [ ]Show Machine Code ─────────┼─┘ assembly instructions
     │      [ ]Show Symbolic Name ────────┼─┐
     │                                     │ ■ Displays symbolic names
     │                                     │   with assembly instructions
                                             ■ Choose <OK>
     See: Source Display Mode (S) Command-Window Command
          Options (O) Command-Window Command
          Tab Set (#) Command-Window Command