CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Thread Command (CVP Only)
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     In a multithread program, the Thread command allows you to
        ■ Change the currently executing thread
        ■ Freeze and unfreeze threads
     ┌──────────────── Thread ─────────────────┐
     │                                         │
     │         Selected Thread: [············] │
     │                                         │
     │         Thread: [···] ─────────────────┼─ ■ Type thread #
     │  ┌──────────────────────┐               │ OR
     │  │                      │──────────────┼─ ■ Select from list
     │  │                      │ <Select>  ─┐ │    box
     │  │                      │ <Freeze>  : └─┼─ ■ Select operation
     │  │                      │ <Unfreeze>:   │    for thread
     │  └──────────────────────┘               │
     └─────────────────────────────────────────┘  ■ Choose <OK>
     When a thread is frozen, it cannot run in the background and does
     not run in response to an Animate command from the Run menu
     or a Go (G) command-window command. Unfreezing a thread reverses
     these effects.
     See: Run Menu: Animate Command
          Go (G) Command-Window Command
          Thread (~) Command-Window Command