CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Watch Menu: Add Watch Command
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     Shortcut key: CTRL+W
     The Add Watch command shows an expression and its value in the
     watch window. CodeView updates the display whenever the value of
     the expression changes. A watch expression can be any valid
     expression or memory address in <segment>:<offset> form.
     ┌───────── Add Watch ──────────┐
     │                            ┌─┼ ■ Type expression you want
     │ Expression: [··········]──┘ │    to watch
     │                              │
     └──────────────────────────────┘ ■ Choose <OK>
     For relational expressions, the watch window shows 0 if the
     expression is false and 1 if the expression is true:
          count + 1 == 5 : 0    ── False
          count + 1 == 5 : 1    ── True
     The watch window shows variables in the default C format for their
     type. To use another format, enter the variable followed by a
     CodeView format specifier. You can also cast the expression to
     the format you want to use.
     See: Add Watch Expression (W?) Command-Window Command
          Format Specifiers
     CodeView always evaluates watch expressions according to the
     current radix and reevaluates watch expressions if the radix
     See: Radix (N) Command-Window Command