CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Debug Multiple Processes (/O) (CVP only)
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     If you are running OS/2 version 1.10 or later, the /O option
     tells the protected-mode CodeView debugger (CVP.EXE) to enable
     debugging of multiple processes. This option cannot be given on
     the same command line with the /2 option.
     When you start up CVP.EXE with /O, every time your program spawns
     a child process, CodeView displays the Process Identification
     Number (PID) and asks whether you wish to debug the child process.
        ■ If you want to debug the child process, CodeView spawns a
          new CodeView process that controls execution of the child
          process. Each instance of CodeView spawned in this way
          becomes a separate debugging session and runs in its own
          screen group (up to the OS/2 limit of 16 screen groups).
        ■ If you do not want to debug the child process, CodeView
          allows the program to spawn the child process. In this case,
          you cannot control or trace the child process with CodeView.
     You can move between different CodeView processes using either
     the OS/2 Session Manager or the CodeView Process (|) command.
     Use the Process command from the Run menu or the Process
     command-window command to view the status of child processes, or
     to switch directly to the debugging session of any child process.
     See: Run Menu: Process Command
          Process (|) Command-Window Command