CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Window Operations (Resizing)
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    Opening Closing Resizing Maximizing Selecting Scrolling
┌────Click or press F1 on any button for a description of the operation.───┐
│ Mouse:                                                                   │
│   1. Move the cursor to a window border or corner.                       │
│   2. Click and hold the left mouse button.                               │
│   3. Drag the border or corner and release the left mouse button.        │
│ Keyboard:                                                                │
│   1. Choose the Size command from the View menu or press CTRL+F8.        │
│   2. Press the arrow key for the border you are moving (for example,     │
│      left arrow for left border or up arrow for top border).             │
│   3. Press the arrow key to move the border to its new location.         │
│   4. Press ENTER.                                                        │