Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Communication-Driver Functions
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cclrbrk                  Restore transmission
cevt                     Sets the event mask
cevtGet                  Retrieves the event mask
cextfcn                  Carry out extended function
cflush                   Flushes queues
CommWriteString          Transmits a string of bytes
csetbrk                  Breaks transmission
ctx                      Transmit immediately
EnableNotification       Enable/disables communication notification
getdcb                   Retrieves device-control block
inicom                   Initialize communications device
ReactivateOpenCommPorts  Reactivates communications ports
reccom                   Read a byte
setcom                   Set communications block
setque                   Set transmit and recieve queues
sndcom                   Transmit a byte
stacom                   Retrieves error code and device status
SuspendOpenCommPorts     Suspends communications ports
trmcom                   Closes the device
COMSTAT                  Communications Status Structure
DCB                      Device Control Block Structure
qdb                      Queue Definition Block