Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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long CplApplet(hWnd, wCode, dw1, dw2)
HWND hWnd;
WORD wCode;
DWORD dw1;
DWORD dw2;
The CplApplet function carries out requests from Control Panel. Control
Panel calls this function when the user chooses an icon, such as the mouse
icon, to direct the corresponding driver to carry out some action.
A mouse driver that provides a custom mouse-setting dialog box must export
the CplApplet function.
Parameter  Description
hWnd       Identifies the Control Panel window. The mouse driver uses the
           handle as the parent window handle for the settings dialog box.
wCode      Specifies the action to take. If the wCode parameter is 5,
           CplApplet displays the custom mouse-settings dialog box.
dw1        Reserved; do not use.
dw2        Reserved; do not use.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
The export ordinal for this function is 6.
If CplApplet returns FALSE, Control Panel displays its standard mouse dialog
box. If an error occurs, for example, the mouse driver cannot find or load
its dialog box, CplApplet displays an error message before returning the
FALSE value to Control Panel.