Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD DevInstall(hWnd, lpModelName, OldPort, NewPort)
HWND hWnd;
LPSTR lpModelName;
LPSTR OldPort;
LPSTR NewPort;
The DevInstall function changes port connections, and installs and removes
printers. Control Panel calls this function whenever the user switches the
port for a printer model.
Parameter    Description
hWnd         Identifies the parent window to use for any dialog boxes the
             function creates.
lpModelName  Points to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the
             current printer model.
OldPort      Points to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the
             port being changed. If the OldPort parameter is NULL, the
             function installs the new printer model.
NewPort      Points to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the
             port to be changed to. If the NewPort parameter is NULL, the
             function removes printer model.
Return Value
The return value is one of the following values.
Value  Meaning
1      Succeeded
0      Doesn't support this function
-1     Failed for unknown reason
When the function changes a port, it must change the port in the [ModelName,
Port] section of the WIN.INI file. Also, the function should check for a
font section with valid entries for the old port. If there are fonts, the
function should warn the user with a message informing them that there are
printer fonts installed for the old port. The user can install them using
the Fonts button from the Printer Setup dialog box.
When installing a new printer, the function must scan the WIN.INI file for a
[DriverName, NewPort] section. If one is found and ModelName matches the
printer index listed there, the function creates a new section [ModelName,
NewPort] and moves all nonfont-related information from the [DriverName,
Newport] section to this new [ModelName, NewPort] section. After this
operation, the [DriverName, NewPort] section contains only the printer fonts
listing. If the function doesn't find a [DeviceName, NewPort] section, no
action is required.
When removing a printer, the function must remove the [ModelName, OldPort]
section including all settings there, but it must not remove the
[DriverName, OldPort] section. Other models may be using fonts installed on
this port.