Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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short Control(lpDevice, ENABLEPAIRKERNING, lpInData,
LPINT lpInData;
LPINT lpOutData;
The ENABLEPAIRKERNING escape enables or disables the driver's ability to
automatically kern character pairs. When it is enabled, the driver
automatically kerns those pairs of characters that are listed in the font's
character-pair kerning table. The driver reflects this kerning both in the
printer and in calls to the GetTextExtent (GDI.91) function.
Parameter  Description
lpDevice   Points to a PDEVICE structure specifying the destination device.
lpInData   Points to a 16-bit variable that specifies whether to enable or
           disable automatic pair kerning. If it is 1, kerning is enabled;
           if 0, kerning is disabled.
lpOutData  Points to a 16-bit variable variable that receives the previous
           automatic pair-kerning member.
Return Value
The return value is 1 if the escape is successful. Otherwise, the return
value is 0 if not successful, or if the escape is not implemented.
The default state of this capability is zero; that is, automatic
character-pair kerning is disabled.
A driver does not have to support this escape just because it supplies the
character-pair kerning table to the application through the GETPAIRKERNTABLE
escape. When the GETPAIRKERNTABLE escape is supported but the
ENABLEPAIRKERNING escape is not, it is the application's responsibility to
properly space the kerned characters on the output device.
See Also