Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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#define END_PATH 4098 
short Control(lpDevice, END_PATH, lpInfo, NULL)
The END_PATH escape ends a path. A path is a connected sequence of
primitives drawn in succession to form a single polyline or polygon. Paths
enable applications to draw complex borders, filled shapes, and clipping
areas by supplying a collection of other primitives defining the desired
Printer escapes that support paths enable applications to render images on
sophisticated devices such as PostScript printers without generating huge
polygons to simulate them.
To draw a path, an application first issues the BEGIN_PATH escape. It then
draws the primitives defining the border of the desired shape, and issues an
END_PATH escape.
The END_PATH escape takes a pointer to a structure as a parameter,
specifying the manner in which the path is to be rendered. The structure
specifies whether or not the path is to be drawn and whether or not it is
open or closed. Open paths define polylines, and closed paths define
polygons that can be filled.
Parameter  Description
lpDevice   Points to a PDEVICE structure specifying the destination device.
lpInfo     Points to a PATH_INFO structure.
Return Value
This escape returns a short integer value specifying the current path
nesting level. If the escape is successful, the number of BEGIN_PATH calls
without a corresponding END_PATH call is the result. Otherwise, -1 is the
You may draw a path within another path. A path drawn within another path is
treated exactly like a polygon (if the subpath is closed) or a polyline (if
the subpath is open).
You may use the CLIP_TO_PATH escape to define a clipping area corresponding
to the interior or exterior of the currently open path.
Device drivers that implement this escape must also implement the BEGIN_PATH
and EXT_DEVICE_CAPS escapes and should also implement the SET_ARC_DIRECTION
See Also