Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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typedef struct tagEXTTEXTMETRIC {
    short  etmSize;
    short  etmPointSize;
    short  etmOrientation;
    short  etmMasterHeight;
    short  etmMinScale;
    short  etmMaxScale;
    short  etmMasterUnits;
    short  etmCapHeight;
    short  etmXHeight;
    short  etmLowerCaseAscent;
    short  etmUpperCaseDescent;
    short  etmSlant;
    short  etmSuperScript;
    short  etmSubScript;
    short  etmSuperScriptSize;
    short  etmSubScriptSize;
    short  etmUnderlineOffset;
    short  etmUnderlineWidth;
    short  etmDoubleUpperUnderlineOffset;
    short  etmDoubleLowerUnderlineOffset;
    short  etmDoubleUpperUnderlineWidth;
    short  etmDoubleLowerUnderlineWidth;
    short  etmStrikeOutOffset;
    short  etmStrikeOutWidth;
    WORD   etmKernPairs;
    WORD   etmKernTracks;
The EXTTEXTMETRIC contains extended information about a font.
Member                         Description
etmSize                        Specifies the size (in bytes) of the
etmPointSize                   Specifies the point size of the font.
etmOrientation                 Specifies the orientation.
etmMasterHeight                Specifies the master height.
etmMinScale                    Specifies the smallest reasonable scaling
                               factor for the font.
etmMaxScale                    Specifies the largest reasonable scaling
                               factor for the font.
etmMasterUnits                 Specifies the master units.
etmCapHeight                   Specifies the height of capital letters.
etmXHeight                     Specifies a representative height for the
etmLowerCaseAscent             Specifies the ascent height for lowercase
etmUpperCaseDescent            Specifies the ascent height for uppercase
etmSlant                       Specifies the slant of characters in the
etmSuperScript                 Specifies whether the font supports
etmSubScript                   Specifies whether the font supports
etmSuperScriptSize             Specifies the size of the superscript
etmSubScriptSize               Specifies the size of the subscript
etmUnderlineOffset             Specifies the offset from the baseline to the
etmUnderlineWidth              Specifies the width of an underline.
etmDoubleUpperUnderlineOffset  Specifies the offset from the baseline to the
                               upper portion of a double underline.
etmDoubleLowerUnderlineOffset  Specifies the offset from the baseline to the
                               lower portion of a double underline.
etmDoubleUpperUnderlineWidth   Specifies the width of the upper portion of a
                               double underline.
etmDoubleLowerUnderlineWidth   Specifies the width of the lower portion of a
                               double underline.
etmStrikeOutOffset             Specifies the offset from the baseline of the
                               strikeout line.
etmStrikeOutWidth              Specifies the width of the strikeout line.
etmKernPairs                   Specifies the number of kerning pairs.
etmKernTracks                  Specifies the number of kerning tracks.
See Also