Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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#define EXT_DEVICE_CAPS 4099 
short Control(lpDevice, EXT_DEVICE_CAPS, lpIndex, lpCaps)
LPINT lpIndex;
LPLONG lpCaps;
The EXT_DEVICE_CAPS escape retrieves information about device-specific
capabilities. It serves as a supplement to the GetDeviceCaps (GDI.80)
Parameter  Description
lpDevice   Points to a PDEVICE structure specifying the destination device.
lpIndex    Points to a 16-bit variable specifying the index of the
           capability to be retrieved. It can be one of the following
           Value                   Meaning
           R2_CAPS (1)             Specifies which of the 16-bit
                                   binary-raster operations the device
                                   driver supports. A unique bit is set for
                                   each supported raster operation. For
                                   example, the following code fragment sets
                                   the bit for support of the R2_XORPEN
                                   raster operation:
                                   Caps = Caps | (1<<R2_XORPEN);
                                   For more information about the
                                   binary-raster operations, see the
                                   DRAWMODE structure.
           PATTERN_CAPS (2)        Specifies the maximum dimensions of a
                                   pattern brush bitmap. The low-order 16
                                   bits of the capability value contains the
                                   maximum width of a pattern brush bitmap;
                                   the high-order 16 bits contains the
                                   maximum height.
           PATH_CAPS (3)           Specifies whether the device is capable
                                   of creating paths using alternate and
                                   winding interiors, and whether the device
                                   can do exclusive or inclusive clipping to
                                   path interiors. The path capabilities is
                                   a combination of two of the following:
                                       PATH_ALTERNATE (1)
                                       PATH_WINDING (2)
                                       PATH_INCLUSIVE (3)
                                       PATH_EXCLUSIVE (4)
           POLYGON_CAPS(4)         Specifies the maximum number of polygon
                                   points supported by the device. The
                                   capability value is an unsigned value
                                   specifying the maximum number of points.
           PATTERN_COLOR_CAPS (5)  Specifies whether the device can convert
                                   monochrome pattern bitmaps to color. The
                                   capability value is one if the device can
                                   do pattern bitmap color conversions and
                                   zero if it cannot.
           R2_TEXT_CAPS (6)        Specifies whether the device is capable
                                   of performing binary raster operations on
                                   text. The low-order 16 bits of the
                                   capability value specifies which raster
                                   operations are supported on text. A bit
                                   is set for each supported raster
                                   operation, as in the R2_CAPS escape. The
                                   high-order 16 bits specifies to which
                                   type of text the raster capabilities
                                   apply. It can be a combination of the the
                                   following values:
                                       RASTER_TEXT (1)
                                       DEVICE_TEXT (2)
                                       VECTOR_TEXT (3)
           POLYMODE_CAPS (7)       Specifies the polygon modes supported by
                                   the device driver. The capability value
                                   is obtained by setting a bit in the
                                   corresponding position for each polygon
                                   mode supported. For example, if a device
                                   supports the PM_POLYSCANLINE and
                                   PM_BEZIER polygon modes, the capability
                                   value would be set as follows:
           Caps = Caps | (1<<PM_POLYSCANLINE) | (1<<PM_BEZIER);
lpCaps     Points to a 32-bit variable that receives the specified
Return Value
The return value is a nonzero value if the specified extended capability is
supported. Otherwise, it is zero if the capability is not supported.
A device driver implementing this escape must not modify the value of the
32-bit integer described by the lpCaps parameter unless it returns a valid
value for the capability.
See Also