Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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int FAR PASCAL EndSpoolPage(hJob)
The EndSpoolPage function marks the end of a spooled page. A driver uses
this function, in conjunction with the StartSpoolPage function, to divide
printer output into pages. Each page is stored in a temporary file on the
machine's hard disk when Print Manager is running. Dividing a print job into
pages allows Print Manager to begin printing one page while the driver is
still generating output on subsequent pages. A Print Manager page does not
need to correspond to a physical page of printed output; the division is the
driver's decision.
Parameter  Description
hJob       Identifies the print job. The handle must have been previously
           opened using the OpenJob function.
Return Value
The return value is positive if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is
one of the following error values.
Value                Meaning
SP_ERROR (-1)        A general error condition or general error in banding
SP_APPABORT (-2)     The job was stopped because the application's callback
                     function returned FALSE (0).
SP_USERABORT (-3)    The user stopped the print job by choosing the Delete
                     button from Print Manager.
SP_OUTOFDISK (-4)    A lack of disk space caused the job to stop. There is
                     not enough disk space to create or extend the Print
                     Manager temporary file.
SP_OUTOFMEMORY (-5)  A lack of memory caused the job to stop.
When Print Manager is not running, page division is not very important
because temporary files are not involved. However, starting and ending at
least one Print Manager page is still required.
Calls to StartSpoolPage and EndSpoolPage can occur at any point during the
output. Some drivers use one spool page per physical page. Others use one
page for the whole job. The printing of a particular page by the Print
Manager application does not begin until it receives the corresponding
EndSpoolPage function.
A driver can perform output at any point between these two calls. When
EndSpoolPage is called and Print Manager is loaded, the page's temporary
file is submitted to Windows Print Manager.
See Also
OpenJob, StartSpoolPage