Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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void EngineSetFontContext(lpFont, wCharRot)
WORD wCharRot;
The EngineSetFontContext sets the current engine font to the given font. The
function directs GDI and the TrueType rasterizer to precompute values to be
used with this font.
A driver must call this function prior to calling the EngineGetGlyphBmp
Import Module.Ordinal: GDI.304.
Parameter  Description
lpFont     Points to a FONTINFO structure specifying the font to be set. The
           structure must have been previously filled using the
           EngineRealizefont function.
wCharRot   Specifies the angle of rotation (in tenths of a degree,
           counterclockwise) for the current font.
Return Value
The function has no return value.
See Also
EngineGetGlyphBmp, EngineRealizeFont