Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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short Control(lpDevice, GETSETPAPERMETRICS, lpNewPaper,
LPRECT lpNewPaper;
LPRECT lpOrigPaper;
The GETSETPAPERMETRICS escape sets the paper type according to the given
paper-metrics information. It also gets the current printer's paper-metrics
information. However, this escape is needed now only for backward
compatibility with earlier applications. The ExtDeviceMode function achieves
the same results.
This escape expects a RECT structure, representing the imageable area of the
physical page, and assumes the origin is in the upper-left corner.
Parameter    Description
lpDevice     Points to a PDEVICE structure specifying the destination
lpNewPaper   Points to a RECT structure that contains the new imageable
             area. The coordinates are measured in device units. The
             orientation is set to match this parameter.
lpOrigPaper  Points to a RECT structure that receives the original value.
             The coordinates are measured in device units.
Return Value
The return value is positive if successful. Otherwise, the return value is
zero if the escape is not implemented, and negative if an error occurs.
See Also
ExtDeviceMode, PDEVICE, RECT