Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD GetKeyboardType(wWhich)
WORD wWhich;
The GetKeyboardType function identifies the type of keyboard.
Parameter  Description
wWhich     Specifies whether the function returns a keyboard type or an OEM
           subtype. If the parameter is 0, the function returns the basic
           type. If the parameter is 1, the function returns the OEM
Return Value
The return value is a keyboard type or an OEM subtype, depending on the
value of the wWhich parameter.
The export ordinal for this function is 130.
If a keyboard type is requested (wWhich is 0), the function returns one of
the following keyboard types.
Value  Meaning
1      IBM PC, XT or compatible (83 key)
2      Olivetti M24 "ICO" (102 key)
3      IBM AT (84 keys) or similar
4      IBM Enhanced (101 or 102 keys)
5      Nokia 1050
6      Nokia
If a keyboard subtype is requested (wWhich is 1), the function returns a
nonzero OEM-dependent subtype or zero to indicate that no subtypes are