Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Graphics Functions
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BitBlt                  Transfers bits from a source to destination
BitmapBits              Sets or retrieves bits in a memory DC
ColorInfo               Converts logical and physical colors
Control                 Carries out a device-specific escape
CreateDIBitmap          Creates a device-independent bitmap
DeviceBitmap            Carries out an action on a device bitmap
DeviceBitmapBits        Get or set device-independent bitmap bits
DeviceMode              Sets the device's mode of operation
Disable                 Disables the device
Enable                  Enable the device
EnumDFonts              Enumerates device fonts
EnumObj                 Enumerates pens and brushes
ExtDeviceMode           Sets the device's mode of operation
ExtTextOut              Draws text strings
GetCharWidth            Returns character widths
GetDriverResourceID     Retrieves resource identifiers
GetPalette              Retrieves colors from the palette
GetPalTrans             Retrieves the color translation table
Output                  Draws a shape
Output(OS_ALTPOLYGON)   Draws an alternate-filling-method polygon
Output(OS_ARC)          Draws an arc
Output(OS_BEGINNSCAN)   Starts a series of scan lines
Output(OS_CHORD)        Draws an arc and connecting chord
Output(OS_CIRCLE)       Draws a circle
Output(OS_ELLIPSE)      Draws an ellipse
Output(OS_ENDNSCAN)     Ends a series of scan lines
Output(OS_PIE)          Draws an arc and two line segments
Output(OS_POLYLINE)     Draws a series of line segments
Output(OS_RECTANGLE)    Draws a rectangle
Output(OS_ROUNDRECT)    Draws a rectangle with round corners
Output(OS_SCANLINES)    Draws a sequence of horizontal lines
Output(OS_WINDPOLYGON)  Draws a winding-number-filled polygon
Pixel                   Set or retrieve a pixel
RealizeObject           Realizes an object
ScanLR                  Scan left or right for matching/non-matching color
SelectBitmap            Selects a device bitmap
SetAttribute            Sets attributes
SetDIBitsToDevice       Copies Device-Independent Bitmap to Device
SetPalette              Sets the color palette entries
SetPalTrans             Sets palette translation table
StrBlt                  Draws text strings
StretchBlt              Stretches/compresses bits
StretchDIBits           Copies a device-independent bitmap
UpdateColors            Updates color indexes in a given region
WEP                     Windows exit procedure