Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Interrupt 2Fh Function 1606h
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mov     dx, [Flags]  ; bit 0 clear if 386 enhanced-mode,
                     ; set if standard-mode
mov     ax, 1606h    ; Windows Termination Notification
int     2fh          ; multiplex interrupt
Windows Termination Notification (Interrupt 2Fh Function 1606h) notifies
MS-DOS device drivers and TSRs that standard- or 386 enhanced-mode Windows
is terminating. Windows calls this function as it terminates allowing MS-DOS
device drivers and TSRs that monitor Interrupt 2Fh the opportunity to
prepare for leaving the Windows environment.
Parameter  Description
Flags      Specifies whether standard- or 386 enhanced-mode Windows is
           terminating. 386 enhanced-mode Windows sets bit 0 to 0;
           standard-mode Windows sets bit 0 to 1. Only bit 0 is used; all
           other bits reserved and undefined.
Return Value
This function has no return value.
Windows calls this function when the processor is in real mode.