Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Interrupt 2Fh Function 1685h
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mov     bx, [VM_Id]             ; virtual-machine identifier
mov     cx, [Flags]             ; switch conditions
mov     dx, word ptr [Priority+2]
mov     si, word ptr [Priority] ; dx:si contains 32-bit priority boost
mov     es, seg [CallBack]
mov     di, offset [CallBack]   ; es:di contains callback function address
mov     ax, 1685h   ; Switch VMs and CallBack
int     2Fh         ; multiplex interrupt
Switch VMs and CallBack (Interrupt 2Fh Function 1685h) directs Windows to
switch to a specific virtual machine and begin execution. After Windows
switches, it calls the specified callback function allowing a device driver
or TSR to access the data associated with the specified virtual machine.
This function is typically used by MS-DOS device drivers and TSRs that
support networks, and that need to perform functions in a specific virtual
Parameter  Description
VM_Id      Identifies the virtual machine to switch to.
Flags      Specifies when to switch. This parameter is a combination of the
           following bit values.
           Bit  Meaning
           0    Set to 1 to wait until interrupts are enabled.
           1    Set to 1 to wait until critical section is released.
           All other bits are reserved and must be 0.
Priority   Specifies the priority boost for the virtual machine. It can be
           one of the following values.
           Value                   Meaning
           Critical_Section_Boost  VM priority is boosted by this value when
                                   Begin_Critical_Section is called.
           Cur_Run_VM_Boost        Time-slice scheduler boosts each VM in
                                   turn by this value to force them to run
                                   for their allotted time slice.
           High_Pri_Device_Boost   Time critical operations that should not
                                   circumvent the critical section boost
                                   should use this boost.
           Low_Pri_Device_Boost    Used by virtual devices that need an
                                   event to be processed in a timely fashion
                                   but that are not extremely time
           Reserved_High_Boost     Reserved; do not use.
           Reserved_Low_Boost      Reserved; do not use.
           Time_Critical_Boost     Events that must be processed even when
                                   another VM is in a critical section
                                   should use this boost. For example, VPICD
                                   uses this when simulating hardware
           The DX register contains the high-order word, the SI register the
           low-order word.
CallBack   Points to the callback function.
Return Value
The return value is a cleared carry flag if successful. Otherwise, the
function sets the carry flag and sets the AX register to one of the
following error values.
Value  Meaning
0001h  Invalid VM ID
0002h  Invalid priority boost
0003h  Invalid flags
Windows calls the callback function as soon as the conditions specified by
the Flags parameter are met. This may be before or after Switch VMs and
CallBack returns.
The callback function can carry out any action, but must save and restore
all registers it modifies. The function must execute an iret instruction to
return to Windows. The priority for the virtual machine remains at the level
specified by Priority until the callback function executes the iret