Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Interrupt 2Fh Function 4007h
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mov ax, 4007h       ; Disable VM-Assisted Save/Restore
int 2fh
Disable VM-Assisted Save/Restore directs the virtual-display device (VDD) to
discontinue notifying the VM application when it needs access to video
VM applications call this function when they terminate.
Return Value
This function has no return value.
This function directs the VDD to restore I/O trapping of unreadable
registers and to discontinue calling Save Video Register State and Restore
Video Register State (Interrupt 2Fh Functions 4005h and 4006h) when it needs
access to the registers. Furthermore, the VDD ignores any subsequent calls
to Enter Critical Section and Exit Critical Section (Interrupt 2Fh Functions
4003h and 4004h).
This function does not disable Notify Background Switch and Notify
Foreground Switch (Interrupt 2Fh Functions 4001h and 4002h).