Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD LFNCopy(lpSource, lpDest, lpfnAbort)
LPSTR lpSource;
LPSTR lpDest;
FARPROC lpfnAbort;
The LFNCopy function copies a file from the lpSource parameter to the
lpDest parameter.
Parameter  Description
lpSource   Points to a null-terminated string specifying the full path of
           the file to copy.
lpDest     Points to a null-terminated string specifying either the full
           path of the file to be created or the full name of the directory
           to receive the file.
lpfnAbort  Points to the appropriate callback function to terminate a copy
Return Value
The return value is one of the following values.
Value  Meaning
0      Success.
2      File not found.
5      Access denied.
17     Not same device.
The export ordinal for this function is 105.
The LFNCopy function must support intra- and inter-volume copies for both
long filename servers and standard MS-DOS filenaming conventions for
volumes, including local drives. If the user is attempting to copy a file
with a long name to a volume that supports only standard names, File Manager
will prompt the user to enter a file specification consistent with standard
naming conventions. Therefore, the network DLL does not need to map long
names to standard names.
The function specified by the lpfnAbort parameter may be called during long
copy operations if the network driver wishes to allow the copy operation to
be terminated in the middle of a file. This callback function will return
TRUE if the user cancels the operation.
See Also