Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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void NewTable(void)
The NewTable function determines the keyboard type and attempts to load a
language-specific keyboard library.
Return Value
This function has no return value.
The export ordinal for this function is 127.
The NewTable function determines the type of keyboard installed by reading
settings from the [Keyboard] section of the SYSTEM.INI file. The function
sets the internal keyboard-type variables and if a language-specific
keyboard library is specified it loads the library and saves its handle. The
driver subsequently uses this handle to determine whether to use the tables
in the discardable table segment or the language-specific library's tables.
If the settings in the [Keyboard] section are not found or have no value,
the default type is determined by the type of system for which the
particular driver is designed.