Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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#define SETLINECAP 21 
short Control(lpDevice, SETLINECAP, lpInData, lpOutData)
LPINT lpInData;
LPINT lpOutData;
The SETLINECAP escape sets the line end cap. An end cap is that portion of a
line segment that appears on either end of the segment. The cap may be
square or circular; it can extend past, or remain flush with, the specified
end points.
Parameter  Description
lpDevice   Points to a PDEVICE structure specifying the destination device.
lpInData   Points to a 16-bit variable that specifies the end-cap type. The
           variable can contain one of the following values.
           Value  Meaning
           -1     Line segments are drawn by using the default GDI end cap.
           0      Line segments are drawn with a squared end point that does
                  not project past the specified segment length.
           1      Line segments are drawn with a rounded end point; the
                  diameter of this semicircular arc is equal to the line
           2      Line segments are drawn with a squared end point that
                  projects past the specified segment length. The projection
                  is equal to half the line width.
lpOutData  Points to a 16-bit variable that receives the previous end-cap
Return Value
The return value is positive if the escape is successful. Otherwise, it is
The interpretation of this escape varies with page-description languages
(PDLs). Consult your PDL documentation for its exact meaning.
This escape is also known as SETENDCAP.
See Also