Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD WNetConnectDialog(hwndParent, iType)
HWND hwndParent;
WORD iType;
The WNetConnectDialog function displays a driver-specific connection dialog
Parameter   Description
hwndParent  Identifies the owner of the dialog box.
iType       Specifies the type of device to be connected. The type can be
            one of the following values.
            Value                    Meaning
            WNTYPE_DRIVE (0x0001)    A disk device.
            WNTYPE_FILE (0x0002)     A file.
            WNTYPE_PRINTER (0x0003)  A printer device.
            WNTYPE_COMM (0x0004)     A communications port. Reserved; do not
Return Value
The return value is one of the following values.
Value             Meaning
WN_CANCEL         User canceled (no new drives).
WN_NOT_SUPPORTED  Function not supported.
WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY  Not enough memory to display the dialog box.
WN_SUCCESS        Success.
The export ordinal for this function is 25.
The network driver carries out all connection functions in this dialog box.
The network driver maintains the features of the previous connection list
and the permanent connection option. If this function is not supported, a
default dialog box will be used. This dialog box will maintain the previous
list and will remember permanent connections in a manner consistent with the
default implementation of the WNetRestoreConnection function.
WNetConnectDialog (together with WNetDisconnectDialog) allows either one or
two dialog boxes to be used to manage disk shares in Windows 3.1. If both
WNetConnectDialog and WNetDisconnectDialog are supported, the user will have
two File Manager menu commands for connecting and disconnecting. If the
driver implements only WNetConnectionDialog, a single menu command and
dialog box will be presented. The default case (no hooks implemented) uses
one dialog box. A single dialog box (hooked with WNetConnectionDialog) is
always used to manage printer devices.
If the driver returns WN_NOT_SUPPORTED, File Manager carries out the same
default operations as it would if the driver did not have the capability bit
for this dialog set.
See Also
WNetConnectionDialog, WNetDisconnectDialog, WNetRestoreConnection