Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD WNetGetDirectoryType(lpName, lpType)
LPSTR lpName;
LPINT lpType;
The WNetGetDirectoryType function retrieves the type of a given directory.
The type is defined by the network driver and is used to modify the display
of the drive tree in File Manager. In this way, the network driver can show
special directories to the user.
Parameter  Description
lpName     Points to a null-terminated string specifying a directory name.
           The names must be unambiguous, contain no wildcard characters and
           be fully qualified.
lpType     Points to a 16-bit variable to receive the directory type. The
           network driver copies the the type before returning. The type can
           be one of the following values.
           Value              Meaning
           WNDT_NORMAL (0)    A local directory. File Manager displays the
                              directory icon.
           WNDT_NETWORK (1).  A network directory. File Manager displays a
                              special network folder icon.
           For Windows 3.1, File Manager will supply its own icon for all
           special network directories. If the network driver returns an
           error, File Manager assumes the specified directory is a local
Return Value
The return value is one of the following.
Value         Meaning
WN_NET_ERROR  A network error occurred.
WN_SUCCESS    Success.
The export ordinal for this function is 30.
WNetGetDirectoryType is called from all directories that are displayed, not
only directories on the network.