Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD WNetGetPropertyText(iButton, nPropSel, lpszName, lpButtonName,
                         cbButtonName, nType)
WORD iButton;
WORD nPropSel;
LPSTR lpszName;
LPSTR lpButtonName;
WORD cbButtonName;
WORD nType;
The WNetGetPropertyText function specifies the names of buttons to add to a
property dialog. The function copies the name of the button specified by the
iButton parameter to the buffer pointed to by the lpButtonName parameter. If
the function copies an empty string to the buffer, the system removes the
corresponding button and all succeeding buttons from the dialog box.
Parameter     Description
iButton       Specifies the zero-based button index. The index must be in
              the range 0 through 5, that is, the Windows 3.1 File Manager
              supports at most six buttons.
nPropSel      Specifies which items to focus on. In Windows 3.1, the
              parameter can be one of the following values.
              Value          Meaning
              WNPS_FILE (0)  Single file.
              WNPS_DIR (1)   Single directory.
              WNPS_MULT (2)  Multiple selection of files and/or
lpszName      Points to a zero-terminated string specifying one or more item
              names. In Windows 3.1, the items are files and directories, so
              item names are always filenames. The files must be
              unambiguous, contain no wildcard characters and be fully
lpButtonName  Points to the buffer to receive the name of the property
cbButtonName  Specifies the size (in bytes) of the buffer pointed to by the
              lpButtonName parameter.
nType         Specifies the item type. In Windows 3.1, only WNTYPE_FILE will
              be used.
Return Value
The return value is one of the following values.
Value             Meaning
WN_BAD_VALUE      The lpszName parameter takes an unexpected form.
WN_MORE_DATA      The given buffer is too small to fit the text of the
WN_NOT_SUPPORTED  Property dialogs are not supported for the given object
                  type (the nType parameter).
WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY  Couldn't load string from resources.
WN_SUCCESS        The lpButtonName parameter can be used. If it points to
                  the empty string, no button corresponds to an index as
                  high as the iButton parameter.
The export ordinal for this function is 32.
In Windows 3.1, only File Manager calls this function. File Manager calls
the function just prior to each time it displays the dialog. After File
Manager displays the property dialog, File Manager calls the
WNetPropertyDialog function whenever the user chooses one of the added
See Also