Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD WNetPropertyDialog(hwndParent, iButton, nPropSel, lpszName, nType)
HWND hwndParent;
WORD iButton;
WORD nPropSel;
LPSTR lpszName;
WORD nType;
The WNetPropertyDialog function carries out any driver-specific actions
needed to support customized buttons. A driver adds customized buttons to
the property dialog box using the WNetGetPropertyText function. The system
calls this function whenever the user clicks an added button.
Windows 3.1 calls this function for file and directory network properties
Parameter   Description
hwndParent  Identifies the parent window which owns the file property
iButton     Specifies the zero-based index of the button that was pressed.
nPropSel    Specifies which item(s) the property dialog should act on. In
            Windows 3.1, it can be one of the following values.
            Value          Meaning
            WNPS_FILE (0)  Single file.
            WNPS_DIR (1)   Single directory.
            WNPS_MULT (2)  Multiple selection of files and/or directories.
lpszName    Points to a null-terminated string specifying one or more item
            names. In Windows 3.1, the items are files and directories, so
            item names are always filenames. The files must be unambiguous,
            contain no wildcard characters and be fully qualified.
nType       Specifies the item type. For Windows 3.1, only WNTYPE_FILE can
            be used.
Return Value
The return value is one of the following values.
Value             Meaning
WN_BAD_VALUE      Some parameter takes an unexpected form or value.
WN_NET_ERROR      Some other network error occurred.
WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY  Not enough memory to display the dialog.
WN_SUCCESS        Success.
The export ordinal for this function is 29.
The WNetPropertyDialog function is only called on sets of properties for
which WNetGetPropertyText has assigned a button name.
See Also